Sunday, 14 June 2015

No Matter What | OOTD

Hello everyone! How are we all keeping? I hope you've all had a lovely weekend.

After a rather serious and incredibly wordy post last time, I thought a picture-heavy OOTD would be a good idea for today's post...

These pictures were taken what seems like forever ago while I was still in Newcastle. This may seem a random time to post them but to be honest I completely forgot I had them and didn't want to waste such lovely pictures! Hope you like the outfit!

In these pictures I'm wearing my gorgeous Dr. Martens, an adorable black and white checkered skirt I bought earlier this year from Urban Outfitters, my trusty handbag from Accessorize and a black twirl tee that I bought in the Cheap Monday sale for £7.

I know this isn't a particularly summery outfit but it was slightly more seasonal when these pictures were taken! Although I do live in England and its currently raining so maybe its not such an ill choice for this time of year anyway!

The song this post is titled with is by a band called Valora and the song is No Matter What. I heard it first on the soundtrack to the film The Last Song (one of my favourite films ever) and then got a little obsessed with I always do with brilliant songs! Its really good though I would definitely recommend you give it a listen.

I got back from London a few days ago from my final internship of the summer and as you'd expect, I took a hell of a lot of pictures while I was there! I've got a few adventures that I'd like to share with you, I'm currently in the process of editing them all but you can expect to see them on here very soon.

As always I hope you're all doing well and good luck to those of you in the final weeks of your exams.

Speak soon.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic outfit! Shoes are absolutely perfect *o*

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM :)
    Have a nice day!
