Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Dr. Martens Fashion Film

Hello everyone! Hope you're all having good weeks.

Today I wanted to share with you all some of my university work from this year. Last semester we were asked to produce a 90 second fashion film for Dr. Martens focusing on Newcastle Upon Tyne and underground subcultures. As you all know, I adore Dr. Martens so I immediately rejoiced at this opportunity. As they are a brand that I so easily connect to, I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve with this brief.

I decided, naturally, that I wanted to focus on music. Its my favourite obsession and the language I use to express myself. Dr. Martens has seen rock music evolve over the last 50 years and I feel like although people still look to rock music from the past for inspiration, they seem to forget or either do not know that there are new artists who are simply incredible.

I am part of a genre who adores their music; amazing instruments that come together effortlessly, beautifully poetic lyrics and some of the most exhilarating live experiences you've ever seen. I love this genre and I feel like so many more would if they knew about some of the incredible artists that create this music. I know that Dr. Martens have a huge fan base within this genre so I wanted to show through the film how much the artists and fans of this music love this brand.

Anyway enough of my babbling, here's the film. Enjoy!

I am actually really proud of this, it turned out a lot better than I thought it would! As this was a live brief and the university has connections to Dr. Martens PR company, O PR, five of the films from our year got chosen to present to them to O and mine was among them.

We went down to their offices two weeks ago to present them to the team and they really enjoyed our work. The members of my class that had also been selected had created some amazing films so I was shocked to hear that mine won! I still can't quite believe this has happened, but my fashion film will now be played in the Dr. Martens Newcastle store throughout the summer!

I found out yesterday and I can't wait for it to be played in store, I don't know when it will first be shown but I really want to be there when it does! I'm still a little in shock and I hope it gets received well, this could be huge!

I hope you guys liked it and if any of you are in Newcastle over the summer do go into the store and check it out! There'll be another post soon and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week.


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